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台湾微笑日日紅マンゴー農園 ﹡VIVIYACIOU | 日本への直送専門店

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Payment options

We offer various payment methods including online payment/bank transfer / VISA/Mastercard/Amex

Shipping & delivery

1. Notice that this order page is for Japan and Taiwan areas.  

2. The delivery will be refrigerated to keep the freshness of the mangoes in Japan

3. When mangoes arrive in Japan, they will be carried by YAMATO Transport. A tracking number will be sent through email to the buyer.

Order tracking

1. Should you need to check the status of the order, please click the “Order Tracking” at the bottom of the webpage.

2. Overseas Pre-Order cannot be canceled or adjusted including specification and information of recipient after the deadline is met.  

3. Overseas Pre-Order cannot be refunded after the deadline is met, therefore, please confirm the product information before placing an order.

4. Photos of products are for reference only and we reserve the right to make changes.

5. In response to environment-friendly, we only issue e-invoices and will be sent to the mail of buyers.

6. Please note that the dispatching date is arranged by our company and cannot be designated. As for the arrival date, it is subject to the logistic company.  



Sales & refunds

Notice of After-Sale
1. Since agri-products are easily affected by the weather, we reserve the right to postpone the shipping date or cancel the order.

2. Following Consumer Protection Act in Taiwan, agri-products are not applicable with the term of appreciation period. Therefore, we do not accept refunds for any subjective reasons including texture, color, and size of products.

3. To avoid cannot reaching the recipient, please confirm the information before placing an order. If the incorrect address is filled, please contact us through email:

4. Please note that the order will be disposed if logistics could not reach the recipient within two days in Japan and cannot be refunded.

5. Please check the order immediately once it arrives. If there is no refund process on arrival day, it will be considered as completing product inspection. ( Arrival date is subject to Logistic company )


1. Evidence Photos need to be taken within 24 hours after signing including a photo of defective mangoes, completed package box, and consignment note. 

2. Send those photos to our mail with the name, phone number of the buyers, and order number. We will assist you within 3 working days. 

3. Refund will be deducted 30 NT dollars as remittance fee except for Bank SinoPac

rules for reward points



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